Thursday, December 17, 2009

Roundup of Sleek iDivine Eyeshadow Palettes Week

So, this is the recap post of all the Sleek iDivine eyeshadow palettes I've swatched so far - Original, Acid, Sunset, and Storm.

Here are swatches of all of them. If you want to see my in-depth review of each palette, do click on the links provided!

Original iDivine Palette (full review link HERE):

Sleek Original iDivine Eyeshadow Palette

Acid iDivine Palette (full review link HERE):

Sleek Acid iDivine Eyeshadow Palette

Sunset iDivine Palette (full review link HERE):

Sleek Sunset iDivine Eyeshadow Palette

And lastly, Storm iDivine Palette (full review link HERE):

Sleek Storm iDivine Eyeshadow Palette

EDITED TO ADD: I've included swatches of the Sleek Bohemian Palettes here too, although they were swatched after this post had been written, just for completeness.

Bohemian iDivine Palette (full review link HERE):

Sleek Bohemian Palette Swatches

EDITED TO ADD: Circus iDivine Palette (full review link HERE):

Sleek Circus Palette

EDITED TO ADD: Curacao iDivine Palette (Curacao Palette review full post):

sleek curacao palette swatch

For some reason, it seems that for Sleek eyeshadows in general, the shimmers are of better quality than the mattes. Thus palettes with more shimmer shadows in them tend to be better than palettes with mostly mattes, so this would mean the Sunset and Original palettes, for example, are of better quality than the Acid palette, because they have more shimmer colours in them.

In terms of color coordination, I don't have very much to say about the palettes - after all, colour is a very personal thing. But I might like to point out that the two blues in the Sunset palette swatched very similarly on me. To be sure they arent 100% the same, but they just look rather similar on me. Maybe it's my colouring or something :X For someone who is looking for a work appropriate palette, the Storm palette would probably be your best bet, since it has a good mix of various neutral colours.

My favourite palette is probably the Original palette, although I prefer the colours in the Storm palette. However, the Storm palette has a couple of mattes which I feel bring down the overall quality of the palette a little. Also, between the Circus Palette and the Acid palette, I prefer the Circus Palette. Comparing the two, I just feel like the colour coordination and eyeshadow texture is better in the Circus palette.

I've still got more UK drugstore swatches, including more Sleek, Barry M, and GOSH, and I hope to put those up soon :)