I was contacted by Maggie from KKCentreHK, an online store selling wigs, falsies, nail polishes, colored falsies, bangs, scrunchies etc. She kindly let me chose the style of falsies that I want to try, and I picked A715 which is a very natural-looking curled falsies in black. I picked up a few boxes of falsies for my friends when I was in Taiwan, and KKCentreHK's lashes are the cheapest I've come across!!
無幾耐前收到KKCentreHK既Maggie邀請我試下佢地既王牌品牌ES既假眼睫毛, 佢好好人比我揀要邊隻黎試, 於是我就揀左 A715呢個model既假睫毛. 唔講唔知, 原來KKCentreHK 有好多假髮, OPI指甲油, 同好多唔同顏色既假睫毛賣, 仲鬼死咁平! 上個月去台灣, 見到好多假睫毛賣, 於是我就買左既盒比D朋友, 點知台灣都唔夠佢平!! 一盒假眼睫毛最平竟然可以係 USD$ 2.3 (~ $15港幣), 重點係佢有10對*_*!!!
Maggie好貼心加左2對假睫毛比我! D假眼睫毛係韓國做架, 手工唔錯 :)
There are detailed instructions at the back of the cardboard.
Each box holds 10 pairs, and they're extremely soft! Those of you who have tried the firmer synthetic ones will know those poke your eyes >_<>
望落好長好自然呢 ^_^
用呢個Code黎落order會有discount, 記住喇!
用之前要彎下佢地先, 會容易戴好多架~ 同埋質地真係好柔軟.
Then use a pair of small scissors to cut off the ends of the lashes until the length fits your eye shape, remember to cut in similar length on both lashes :) Otherwise it would look odd, lol Do this step before you apply the lash glue.
超喜歡呀!! 好flirty同好濃密!
Next, I tried on the synthetic ones Maggie has kindly included. They look dramatic :D
跟住我試埋呢對誇張少少既假睫 :D
It lengthened my lashes a lot and its curl looks very feminine. My eyes looked sharp and focused instantly (talk about 10 hours sleep and you can't get that effect, lol).
增長同濃密效果都有齊晒, 對眼望落好有神 (平時訓10個鐘都無咁精神啦! 哈哈 XD)
I've trimmed the ends of the lashes because they were a bit long for my eyes and poked at my lids. The good thing about the synthetic ones is that they are pretty strong and firm so you can reuse them in future and that's certainly value for money!
因為有點''桔''眼, 所以我剪走左頭同尾, 但正正因為佢夠firm, 所以可以重用幾次, 抵番晒啦.
Tools I used:
Verdict: KKCentreHK 's eyelashes are unbeatable in terms of price, talk about a box of 10-pairs of lashes for just USD $2.3!!! With careful use, you can reuse the falsies for numerous times. The price and quality is hands-down worth the money. If you want to experiment with more versatile/dramatic styles of false eyelashes, they offer reasonably cheap ones, say, compared to Shu Uemura's falsies which were retailed at close to $20 USD per pair. I definitely want to experiment with more dramatic and fluffy ones :D
後感: 物超所值. $15港幣有10對咁多, 小心D用既話可以用多幾次, 幾抵玩. 如果你諗住試下顏色假睫或者其他花款既假睫, 價錢都係好經濟, 絕對諗得過.
Note: Products featured in this post were sent to me for consideration, I am in no way affiliated with or compensated by, the company, all reviews were based on my own opinions.
Thank you, Jennifer
Enjoy KKcenterhk's stuffs
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Enjoy KKcenterhk's stuffs
This is Jennifer's blog