Hi everyobody! I know I know....I've been MIA for a while and I was doing so good. Lol. But for a good reason as always. I've been working and been busy which is always a good thing.
But today I found it so neccesary to take some time out of my busy schedule to share with you all my experience today that I had at a workshop that I took with The Powder Group featuring Michael Devellis and it was held at Studio 400 in Lorton Va.
OMG!! Can I say that this man is a Genius!! It's so funny because I could relate to him everytime he said that he was ADHD and he took risk for some things! Because this is me to a Tee! Yep with a capital T! Lol
But he basically talked about branding yourself, social media and taking your career to the next level. There were two classes and I stayed for both. So worth every dime I spent on both. He definitely opened my eyes to some things that I've been doing wrong as far as marketing my career and business. So many things were said that made a great impact on me and my business. I couldn't wait to get home to start implementing them.
Also Kathy and Luis Aragon were there hosting because it was their studio that the class was being held at. Can I say two awesome people as well. Very humble and genuine couple!
I also got to meet some of my friends that I tweet and Facebook with . The awesome Lisa Carter-McPhee, Audrey T. Moore, Vernita Dawkins and I got to meet the lovely photographer JoJo and another mua who I had been following on twitter and fb the very kind Aisha Massac! To me these ladies are stars in my book! Ofcourse I have other mua friends who I consider stars my list goes on but some of these ladies I had never met in person. So it was truly a pleasure!
If you haven't already taken this class please do so!! I will be attending The Makeup Show this May and I absolutely can't wait!
In closing I just want to say that this year I decided to spend my money(what little I have) on education and classes. I feel in any business it is of great importance. As a licensed cosmetologist for 20yrs I've never stopped educating myself on my craft. I've always attended trade shows, took classes and studied my craft. Why not do the same with my makeup business. My revenue has no choice but to increase from each class that I take , seminar or tradeshow that I attend!
After this class I now know how to achieve "What's Next"!