I hope everyone had a great week! I've always liked this bright blue eye look from Eve's Tambourine video but I never had a blue bright enough blue to pull it off. Well recently the lovely Becca from NarsCupcake had a cute giveaway on her Youtube. She gave away little 5 gram jars of TKB's Blueberry Pop eyeshadow. It's soooo pretty! I cannot thank her enough for it. I absolutely love it! It's so awesomely pigmented & just gorgeous!
TKB Mineral Eyeshadow in Blueberry Pop (Thank you Becca!) • WnW Greed Palette
When I first put on the eyeshadow (first eye pic) I was thinking of keeping the harsh line just like that. But I eventually came to my senses & decided to blend it lol I don't know though. I still kind of like how the unblended line looks. But anyway! I really like the color because it brings out the olive tones in my skin & it looks awesome! I've read before that if you have yellow undertones, Blues bring out the olive/yellow tones in your skin & it's so true. But it looks so cool. If you have pink undertones, a true Green will bring out the pink in your skin. Pretty awesomeee, right?
Revlon Pink Pout • Jordana Incolor Gloss in Peach Sand • (Cheeks) WnW Blush in Pearlescent Pink
I swear I slap on Pink Pout a lot. Lol I really like the color though. It's such a pretty pink.
I topped it off with KKCenter HK's ES A399 lashes. They're gorgeous! They're criss cross natural lashes that are shorter in the inner corners & get longer in the outer eye. They look so pretty & offer a really great natural look to enhance your eyes. Loveee them!
Thank you, inorahbaby
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