Wednesday, July 6, 2011

30 Day Blog challenge: Day 5 :Dior Show Mascara

First I'd like to say that last Thursday I watched Erin Scandalous's You Tube video stating a 30 Day You Tube or Blog challenge where for 30 days you will make a You Tube or Blog post for 30 days.

I felt that this was a good challenge being that I can sometimes get in a slump of blogging due to my own issues. Also I have a You Tube channel but sometimes find it hard to make video's or here lately haven't felt comfortable making video's. So I knew I'd be out of town for the 4th weekend so I blogged before I left and those are the post that you see starting on the 1st of July. I really think it's a great challenge especially if your like me and feel as though your blog or video's are not reaching a vast majority of people or nobody is reading. It will get you in the habit of blogging more or posting more vids. I know for me I enjoy blogging but
I sometimes have to get out of my mindset that what I'm blogging about may not be interesting to others or what I'm saying is incorrect or may be mispelled or will be critiqued. I just love to share information and products that I've come across and would like to do that without scrutiny(actually googled this word to make sure it was spelled correct and was the correct meaning I was looking for. But already knew what it meant! Just double checking). Lol I'm excited about this challenge and look forward to completing it and sharing all my goodies and findings with you all!

Ok on to this lovely, magnificient and wonderful mascara!!

I'm always looking for or searching for that one great product! Especially mascara! I love my Loreal Carbon Black but had heard such great things about this product I had to give it a try!

To me it reminded me of Lancome's Hypnose which is another great product and they are about the same in price. Now I know some MUA's and makeup lovers just don't want to spend $24.50 on mascara. Let me tell you...YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED!! This mascara has such a vibrant consistency! It goes on with ease, no clumping and will spread your lashes immensely!! Want some lashes for the Gods?! Well this is it!! This is the one!!

I've been using this mascara going on about two weeks and I have not stopped using it since the day I bought it! I also have a confession. As soon as I purchased it and made it back to my car I took it out the box and applied it overtop of what I already had on and said " Ah it's ok". So I decided to put it on the next day with nothing on my lashes and let me tell you....Absolutely stunning! It spreaded my lashes with ease, I didnt need alot of coats of it and it hit those bottom lashes like nobody's businiess!!

Now the question is will I buy it again? I'm almost positive that I will! Will I add it to my kit? Ofcourse not this one but I would consider purchasing a seperate one for my kit!

Have you tried this mascara? Let me know!

FTC disclosure: I purchased this product with my own money and do not represent this company.