Again, as with all my pics, feel free to click on that tiny pic for the full-sized version.
The top row consists of: a magenta-pink-purple color (shimmer), a white (matte), neon yellow (matte), neon orange (matte), a midtone royal bright blue (shimmer), a midtone jewel brighter blue (shimmer).
The bottom row: midtone neon purple (matte), bright olivey green (matte), screaming neon pink (matte), bright lime green (matte), shimmery midtone gunmetal grey with tiny silver shimmer(shimmer/small glitter), jet black (matte).
As you can see, unlike yesterday's palette, today's palette is bright, screaming, and highlighter-colored, eye-blinding neon, as well as matte. And of course, I'm a neutrals ho, so screaming neon is out of the question for me, but in the name of makeup equality and non-discrimination, I can always appreciate and admire a good neon. But this palette kind of makes me a bit sad.
Well, firstly, 2 of the colours kind of look the same to me, the two blues in the first row. Well, to be fair, they're not 100% the same colour. The second blue is brighter than the first blue, and the second blue is more of a bright jewel toned aqua kind of blue, whereas the first blue is more royal blue, but otherwise, they look very similar when swatched. That disappointed me, because in the pan they looked different.
Secondly, 3 of the colors are of really poor quality. I know I know, this is Sleek, and their eyeshadow palettes are supposed to be good! Well...I don't know. Maybe the testers were a bit messed up, but the neon orange, the matte white, and the lime green were disappointingly sheer, as my photo attests. I have no idea why. I tried piling on more eyeshadow, I tried scraping off the top layer of powder off the testers, all to no results. I hope this is just a dud, but I really wouldn't know. I'm quite disappointed by the Acid palette, for some reason it seems to be the dud of the lot, and it's by far the lousiest in terms of quality, as compared to its fellow iDivine Palettes. I suspect it's due to the fact that unlike the other palettes, which are mostly shimmers, this palette is primarily composed of mattes.
But that's not to say the palette's all bad. After all, as promised the colors are very neon, and they really do have that day-glo quality of brightness. If you like brights, this is just up your alley. It's also mostly matte, so this is good for people who like mattes as well. And it has a few nice colors - the gunmetal grey, while not particularly unique, is very pretty, and the magenta-purple-pink at the top left corner has a certain glowy shimmer to it. So they're not all bad, they just didn't blow me away with screaming neon pigmentation. It's such a pity to see pretty neons ruined by sheerness, but maybe this might be someone else's cup of tea.
So that's it for today's review on the Sleek iDivine Acid Palette. Tomorrow, I will bring you another Sleek palette!