Monday, January 10, 2011

Review: KKCENTERHK False Eyelashes By Amira

Review: KKCENTERHK False Eyelashes

I was recently contacted by a representative from who was kind enough to provide my with some lashes to try out. They offer a variety of different types of falsies, wigs and other items. I love that they have a really huge selection of lashes that you can choose from at a very affordable price for the amount of lashes you get, depending on which type you choose. 

I was sent four different sample boxes of the ES brand: A020, A134, A109, A119. Each box contains 10 pair of lashes. 
A020 - Clear liner short under lower eyelashes - $3.50
I've never tried lower lashes before so it was kind of interesting to see how they work. I'm still experimenting with how to use them and wear them. It's personally not something i would wear on a daily basis but definitely something i would consider adding to my eyes for a night out. The lashes themselves are quite long so they have to be cut and adjusted to the shape of your eyes. 
A134 - Hand Made Clear Line Black Natural False Eyelashes - $4.98
Out of all of lashes, these have to be my favorite ones. They seem very natural, long and curled up very nicely. They kind of remind of Kim Kardashian style of lashes where they're long enough to reach close to the eyebrow. These seem that long because they curl as i applied mascara so i love that about them. 

A109 - Black false EyeLashes - $3.80
I'm not sure if i prefer these specific lashes since my own lashes aren't too long and the reason why i would wear lashes is to have longer thicker lashes. This specific pair has very thin hair, so while it gives the length it doesn't give me the volume im looking for. They do however work great cut in half and keeping focus on elongating the outer corner of the eye.
A119 - Luxe Black false EyeLashes - $5.20
 First thing that i thought when i looked at these lashes was "Snooki" LOL! They're gorgeous thick lashes that you would definitely wear on a night out. They don't look natural for everyday, unless you prefer this look. I love that the band is flexible to it adjusts to the eye shape pretty easily and stays put nicely. Again, they're very long so you might have to cut and adjust to your eyes. 

In general i think the wesbite should be checked out for good quality lashes at very reasonable prices. You have a ton of variety of lashes to choose from. I haven't had problems with them so far and i would probably consider buying from them in the future since i'm lash addict LOL! 
Disclaimer: I was sent these for review purpose by the representative of the company. 
I was not paid for this review and what i've said is my honest opinion. 
Thank youAmira