This is the second time I tried false lashes from KKCenterHK. Maggie notified me there would be a new brand of eyelashes released and kindly sent me the styles I wanted to try. I chose the more ''dramatic'' ones this time :P time to break through my comfort zone eh?
今次係第二次受KKCenterHK Maggie 既邀請試佢地新既假眼睫毛品牌: Eye's Chic. 我選了三款, 通通都是比較誇張既款式 :P 係時候大膽D試新野, 你話係咪?!
今次既假眼睫毛係越南製, 用人造纖維. 上次試既係韓國製既, 質地比較柔軟.
The first style I picked - #853 has a 'crossed' lashes design with lashes that measured 0.7cm at both ends, and the longer lashes in the middle measured 1.2cm.
三款之中我最喜愛這個 :)
Lastly, #805 is pretty special. Not only the lashes at the inner corner of eyes are shorter (0.5cm) than the outer corner ones (1.3cm), but the inner ones are more 'sparse' than the outer ones (denser).
最後試#805, 款式好特別. 除了睫毛首段長0.5cm, 中段至尾段長1.3cm之外, 睫毛後半段比首段濃密!
Wearing #805: the special sparse-to-dense and short-to-long design helps to draw attention to the outer part of your eyes, making them look sophisticated (instead of being overly cute).
後半段比首段濃密的設計令焦點放在眼的末段, 看下去比較成熟一點, 不會"過份可愛".
評語: 個人最喜愛#853既效果. 每盒10對, 約$110HKD左右, 較我第一次試的貴少少, 但Eye's Chic既睫毛勝在夠捲曲同硬淨.
Thank you, Jennifer
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Check out Jennifer's blog