Wanted to do a dark look using R&R Snakeskin! I wish the photos could have captured the complexity of this shade: its a mix of brown,grey,gold,green. Love it!
R&R Snakeskin all over lid, Nouveau Monde (green) in crease, Nars Mekong in Outer V, Mac Wedge to blend
The liner is a little uneven in this picture,my bad! I fixed it after taking photos!
Laura Mercier Primer
Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer & Mineral powder over top
Laura Mercier Undercover Pot
Mac Hush on cheekbones
Mac Springsheen blush
Nars Laguna Bronzer
Anastasia Brow Powder in brunette
Mac Painterly Paint pot and Stila Smudgepot in Bronze over that
Rock and Republic Snakeskin & Skintight
Nars Nouveau Monde (green side) & Nars Mekong
Mac Wedge & Universal Mix pigment on inner highlight
Covergirl Lashblast
Bobbi Brown Gel Liner in black ink
Revlon Superlustrous Lipstick in Demure