If you do not know what nail art foil is or how to use it please follow this link here to my Introduction to Nail Foils post for more information.
Black Raven:
Black Raven is a glossy black foil. There is no pattern to it at all, it is ust solid colour. Camouflage:
Camouflage is a matte foil which is made up of grey, khaki and green blocks of colour. The pattern of this is sort of like an 8bit version of the camouflage that army officers wear, fairly interesting. Champagne:
Like the name Suggests, Champagne is a matte creamy gold colour. It didn't fit in with the gold shades so I just decided to add it to this lot. Opal Glitter:
Opal Glitter is a transparent foil with a dot pattern over it. The dots that cover the entire length of the foil reflect a rainbow holographic depending on how the light hits it. As this foil is transparent, it can be applied over any base and create interesting designs thus making it very versatile. Opal Swirl:
Like Opal Glitter, Opal Swirl is a transparent foil. The pattern on this foil is similar to that of water ripples which reflect a rainbow holographic design depending on how the light hits it. Like Opal Glitter, this foil is very versatile and can be used over any nail polish base. I tried it out over a black base and it looked like an oil slick, so awesome! Snake Skin:
Snake Skin is exactly what the name suggests. This foil is semi-transparent with a black and grey snake skin pattern to it. Like the previous two foils, it can be applied over any coloured base to create an interesting design. This is probably my favorite foil of them all!White Marble:
Another foil that is exactly what its name suggests, White Marble is a white based foil with a soft brown marble veining through it. It isn't really that impressive as it reminds me of floor tiles, not something I'd really want on my nails lol.
Previous Post: "Nail Foils Collection and Descriptions - Rainbow Foils"
First Post: "Introduction to Nail Foils"