If you do not know what nail art foil is or how to use it please follow this link here to my Introduction to Nail Foils post for more information.
Marbles is also a silver based foil with highly reflective qualities to it. This foil has random round shapes of overlapping colour blocks all over the silver base. The different colours created by the overlapping blocks of colour creates an almost stained glass window effect to the foil.Primary Colours:
Primary Colours is litterally a rainbow along the entire length of the foil. It is not extremely reflective like the silver based foils previously mentioned in this post. There is nothing else I can really say about this one lol.Rainbow Drops:
Rainbow Drops is a pretty light silver based foil with splotches of random shaped rainbow reflection. The effect that this foil has on the nail is similar to splotches of oil on concrete almost.Rainbow Swirl:
Like Rainbow Drops, Rainbow Swirl also has a light silver base to it but the has a swirling pattern to it of rainbow awesomeness. This foil is highly reflective and when applied to the nail it looks exactly like spilled oil, its so AWESOME!!!! To see this foil in use, please follow the link here to tartofraises1's blog post. Tie-Dye Surprise:
Tie-Dye Surprise looks like something straight from the 60's! This light silver based foil is highly reflective and has different splotches of tie-dye colour all over the length of the nail. The pattern of colours can almost be described as someone throwing water bombs filled with different coloured paints at a chrome surface. Awesome! Wrapping Paper:
Wrapping Paper is a highly reflective foil with a rainbow running going along the width of the foil. It is similar to Primary Colours except the colour gradient isn't as nice.Previous Post: "Nail Foils Collection and Descriptions - Silver Foils"
Next Post: "Nail Foils Collection and Descriptions - Miscellaneous Foils"