Whenever new year comes, we have lot of hopes and wishes. All hopes and wishes which couldn't fulfill in the previous years. We never know that this would happen or not but you know that every rising morning brings a new hope for us . If you ask about my wishes then I'll say that a peaceful world where there will be no place of war and violence, where every person will be at the same position, no difference between the rich and the poor, a world where every faces have a true smile, every country whether big or small, developed or developing has its own freedom. Love and passion will be everywhere. This are my hopes and wishes from this new year.
Anyways ladies, today I'm reviewing Jovees Moisturizer. I had not heard a lot about this brand but some days ago my cousin who had come to visit me had this moisturizer and she is very happy with this one. I asked her about the quality and she told a lot of good things about this but the main thing was that this product is mainly meant for people with combination skin. This is a good option for this skin type girls.

What it claims: Jovees Shea Butter Moisturiser this hydrating moisturizer with anti oxidant properties contains a variety of botanical and fruit extracts, which protect the skin against dehydration and counteracts deficiency of essential moisture by supporting the skin's ability to retain moisture.
Active Ingredients- Shea Butter, Apple Juice, Grape Seed Extract, Sandal Extract, Peach Extract.
Contents- 120 gms.
Price- Around Rs 135- 155
What I like in this product:
It gets absorbed into the skin quickly.
Does not dry out the skin or make it sticky.
Gives a nice fresh effect to the skin.
Has a nice mild fragrance.
It has long lasting effect on the skin and makes its soft.
Can be applied under make-up and you'll not have any problem after applying it.
The tube packaging is good enough as we don't have much trouble in taking it out.
Quite a low price but the product is worthy enough.

People with very dry skin won't find it very effective but with normal and combination skin will surely have no troubles with it.
I've always been using Shamoist but after my sis' experience and me also trying it a bit I'm happy with this product.
Will I recommend it- Yes, keeping your skin type in mind you can give it a try.
So ladies hope this review helps and have a great week!!!