Saturday, July 31, 2010

Me, at a football match?!

Today i went to the Emirate stadium for the first time, it was to watch Arsenal play AC Milan.
I must say, the Arsenal fans were very friendly and civilised, so my first time experience was very pleasant! (not a football hooligan in sight!) 

If you're interested; the score was 1-1, Arsenal played very well, and I managed to stay engrossed in the game throughout. 

If you've not watched a game live before, i strongly suggest you do, the atmosphere is amazing! Yes, this is coming from a girl who can only name the best looking players and still doesn't really understand the concept of "off-side".

This is where i sat, it was pretty close, and that player is Nasri (he's really cute).
Wish i remembered my camera, i would have taken better pics.

Bye for now my lovelies! 
Lots of love <3 xX