Sunday, March 6, 2011

My interview by Shugraa

Hi friends and lovely readers,

That was another horrible experience for the last 7-8 days which I had to tolerate due to internet connection problem which was caused due to a major road construction in my area. I got many mails about my readers and friends asking about me and I also missed everyone very much. But finally I’m back and I’ll surely try to reply your mails one by one. I’ve missed many of my fav bloggers posts which I have to read and much more!! :D

But anyways leave all that and let’s get back to today’s topic.

A few days ago a lovely blogger Shugraa who owns- approached me to take my interview. It was a great pleasure to hear this and so I agreed.She sent me some questions to which i answered. It was really a great experience :D Thank you Shugraa :D :D If you want to read that interview- HERE

I’m sorry Shugraa couldn’t tell everyone about this before but now hope you guys visit her blog and have a look at the interview.

That’s it for now…I’ll soon be coming up with new posts and reviews :D