I think by now, everyone is familiar with KKcenterHK for their beautiful fake eyelashes and wigs.
I have received 5 types of lashes, and today I am going to review ES A10.Features:
- Not clear bands
- Crisscross lashes, good for density
- Shorter lash on inner eyes, longer lash on outer eyes
- Very soft, very natural, but may be hard to stick on eyelids
This is a very preliminary look. No makeup. I just stick it on to get a feel how it looks like. Although I did say it is very soft lashes, but it still have the strength to lift some skin, to create a double eyelid for me! I usually go for hard lashes, because I want to create the double eyelids, but now I don't need to!
Side look. I really like it. I put a pink circle on my left eye, to differentiate the length of lashes.
This is how I look without makeup, just with ES A10 lashes.
With eye makeup
Took the lashes for a 'test drive' lol Overall, I really love them. There are quite unique and before this, I was always skeptical about soft lashes, but now, not anymore! So, I'll be doing more reviews on the other lashes that I have gotten soon, at the mean time, look smashingly beautiful gals!ps: This product was sent to me for review, but my opinions are still my very own. Please read my disclaimer page for more info.
Thank you, Wifluvelle
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