Thursday, June 16, 2011

KKCenterhk Ponytail extension & camouflage palette (sponsored) By roseshock


Mulle tuli jo viime viikolla paketti KKCenterhk:lta joka sisälsi nämä tuotteet:

Olin molempien puolesta innoissani ja koska tosta klipsipidennyksestä tuli mulle mieleen merirosvot niin mun photoshootti on sen mukainen :'D 

I was rly tired while doing this so my face looks like a hnsjlnhdcjfk

First, the camouflage palette~
ps don't be disturbed by my legs..haha
Here's my face with basic foundation:
Then added some lighter color under my dark eyes..
..made some shadows for my nose..
..finished with adding some light color on my cheeks and added powder & blush
Emo tanja ♥

Ps. GYARUS! This is rly great product for gal/manba makeup!

Now for the hairpiece!

It's 30cm kanekalon~
Very realistic look o__o!!

shooooow me your teeth!

 I made this pirate look just for this review 

here's a side-picture from the hair~

And some bigger pictures !
I just realised that i never use my purple eyeshadows..

I love these both products and you should try them too!

Ps Meijän pieni kissanpentu Sid saapui kotiin toissapäivänä ;_; ♥