Friday, February 11, 2011

How to make a quick Japanese curry

Hi guys, this is just a quick "How to", it's really simple to make and doesn't require much at all. The amount of ingredients here will be enough to feed a family of four. Don't forget to boil your rice!!!

1 Onion
4-5 Potatoes
2 Carrots (optional)
2 Courgettes (optional)
1 Tomato (optional)
Meat: either chicken breasts, chicken wings and drumsticks, pork or beef.
1 cup of water
2 cubes of curry paste

As you can see, most of the vegetables are optional, i personally love vegetables so I tend to add a lot. Feel free to add your own! I love this dish because you can throw which ever type of meat you want, even lamb and shrimp, it's entirely up to you. If you're a vegetarian, you don't even need to add the meat and the curry will still be fine!

Step1: Peel the skin of the carrots, potatoes, courgettes and onion. Wash and chop everything including the tomato into chunky pieces. 

You want to chop them into chunky pieces because they will eventually melt when you cook them.

For the potatoes, chuck them into a bowl of cold water to soak for about 5-10mins then drain the water out.

Here I used 5 pieces of pork chops which I cut up into thin pieces (slightly larger than my finger). It's best to guestimate how much meat your family will consume, as I used so many vegetables, I didn't use too much meat.

Step 2: using a medium- large saucepan that has a lid, heat up some oil.
 Add the onions and meat to fry. You want the onions to be lightly brown, the meat only needs look cooked on the outside, time it to about 2mins. 
Then add all your vegetables to cook. Give it a few stirs, then add 1 cup of cold water, if you think it's not enough water, add another half cup or more (entirely up to you) but remember, you don't want your curry to be too runny.

Once the water boils, put the heat down to let it simmer for 15-20mins. Check if your potatoes are cooked by using a toothpick to poke through it. If the potato is still hard, let it cook for longer. Don't forget to keep stirring once in a while to ensure all the vegetables and meat are cooking simultaneously.

This is the curry paste, you can find this at any Japanese food store, it doesn't have to be this particular brand.

There are some instructions on the back too! You don't have to follow them exactly, you can always improvise! 

Step 3: Once . Add 2 cubes of the curry paste. Mix it in till it's all melted.
Don't let your curry burn, keep the heat low and stir every once in a while, test the flavour, add a little salt if needed. It should look something like this.
Serve with boiled rice.
If you wanted your curry darker; at Step 3 rather than adding 2 cubes of paste, you can add 3-4.

Hope this was easy enough to follow, feel free to ask me any questions below! 
Lots of love xX