Monday, February 7, 2011

Why do Chinese pupils do so well at school?

So I read an article in The Guardian today; Why do Chinese Children do so well at school? Well, simple. Ever heard of a feather duster? Joking... (not).

The answer to this article title is very simple, it is all in the parenting. My mum has always pushed me to become the best.

From a young age, my mum has always, always, nagged at me about achieving the best grades I can. If I got a B grade, my mum would say "why didn't you get an A?", If I got an A grade, she would say "why didn't you get an A*". It was a constant battle to please her, but you know what? It works. I do get motivated to achieve the best I can, It becomes my aim to get the best grade that exists to shut her up, in a nice way of course. I was also pushed to learn to play the piano and also to learn to read and write Chinese every Saturday at a Chinese school. I always felt so annoyed because all my other school friends had their Saturdays and Sundays to lie-in and play games whilst I had to study. However, when it came to writing out job applications and personal statements, all these extra curricular activities my mum pushed me to do made me stand out. Not many of my friends could say they can play the violin and piano, speak Cantonese and mandarin, know a little Wing-chun (type of kung fu) and make a piece of art using a knife and tissue paper.

Another reason why Chinese children do well at school, this may not apply to all, but I know it applies to many, is the fact that they see how hard their parents work, and they want to get a good education so that they will have a better life and help out their parents. Many Chinese parents work long hard hours in Chinese takeaways. People don't understand the terrible conditions of working in such hot and humid conditions, the long hours of standing and holding a heavy wok. Lets also not forget the racial abuse they get too. After all this, working hard at school and achieving great grades is one thing that can make all the hard work and physical pain go away for a parent.

So to my fellow Chinese pupils, if your parents are being pushy, or constantly nagging at you, the reason is only because they love you. Don't worry if you don't get an A or whatever, i'm sure your parents will be proud as long as you tried your best. Don't be upset at them for pushing you to do all sorts of extra activities, they will be beneficial, trust me.

If you're interested in reading the article, click here.

Lots of love xX <3