Thursday, May 19, 2011

La Prairie Radiance Collection: Cellular Radiance Emulsion

Perhaps the thing La Prairie is most famous for is that it has really expensive products. However, the brand is also known for its anti-aging products, and its commitment to premium, exotic ingredients, and past products have included precious metals, like platinum and diamonds. So while the price is a deterrent, there is a lot to back up the prices.

One of La Prairie's ranges, the Radiance Collection, has a focus on using gold as an ingredient in the skincare range. The gold is primarily meant to brighten and add radiance to the skin. The latest product to be added to this collection is the Cellular Radiance Emulsion, a moisturizer, while the star product of this range is the Cellular Radiance Concentrate, a serum.

La Prairie radiance collection

The Cellular Radiance Concentrate is a serum that is literally infused with gold, which is pretty cool to me. Imainge actually applying bling to your skin! The product comes in a luxe-looking gold bottle with a dropper, and even inside the dropper, you can see the serum glistening with suspended gold particles.

la prairie cellular radiance concentrate gold (2)

The serum even glistens and blings on your skin!

la prairie cellular radiance concentrate gold

Once rubbed in, you can really see the gold flakes glistening on your skin as well. The gold bits function similarly to gold glitter on the skin, and are very light-reflective, as you can see in the photo below. I'm not too sure if everyone would be fond of this effect, especially if you are planning on wearing makeup over it during the day, but given that this is a skincare serum, I guess it is probably meant for use at night.

la prairie cellular radiance concentrate gold serum

The Cellular Radiance Emulsion is a light moisturizer that is meant to be used in tandem with the Cellular Radiance Complex serum. This product comes in a shiny silver tube, with a very sensible pump top. Very neat, and very hygenic.

la prairie cellular radiance emulsion spf30 3

The Emulsion itself is a light white cream, and has a very lightweight texture. This would probably be perfect for hotter weather, or for people who have oily skins and feel that intense moisturization is not needed.

la prairie cellular radiance emulsion spf30

Here is the Emulsion blended in. The product blends in well, and doesn't feel sticky or oily once its been rubbed in well. I think it would be quite wearable under makeup.

la prairie cellular radiance emulsion spf30 2

Some of the other products in La Prairie's Radiance Collection include the Cellular Radiance Cream, which is a heavier moisturizer, meant for skins that are drier and would like an alternative to the Emulsion. Like the Emulsion, the Radiance Cream is meant to be used in tandem with the Radiance Concentrate.

la prairie cellular radiance cream 2

The product is a white cream, with a thicker texture. It does take awhile to skin in, so I imagine this would be good for cold weather as well.

la prairie cellular radiance cream

The Radiance Collection also comes with an eye cream, called the Cellular Radiance Eye Cream. This comes in a cute little jar.

la prairie cellular radiance eye cream 2

The product is a white cream, also with a thicker texture. Once again, it takes a while to skin into the skin fully, but unlike some other eye creams, it doesn't feel overly rich or too much. I think this does strike a nice balance, and is neither too heavy nor too light.

la prairie cellular radiance eye cream

Here's a shot of some of the products in the Radiance Collection.

la prairie radiance collection

While I personally believe that you don't necessarily need expensive skincare to have good skin, if you fancy a little pampering, these are unique and good quality products that would be worth looking into.

To end off, here's a shot of myself together with some of the other bloggers and staff at the event.

la prairie event