Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm still alive!!! & Jewellery haul from Forever21

Hello everyoneeeee!!!!

For those that didn't know, I have had exams for the past two months so I decided to give blogging a rest. Now that the nightmare is temporarily over, I am back!! I'm not quite sure when my results come back but i'm hoping i won't have to go through the pain of revision again till next year.

I'll take this post as an opportunity to also congratulate myself for my one year anniversary of blogging! I started blogging last April, at first I created my blog to read other peoples blogs, then I began to share my jewellery creations, and then it just evolved to what it is today- sharing everyhing that I find interesting :)

I can't wait to get back into the groove of blogging more regularly, I have so much to fill you guys in on!

Here's a quick haul of what I bought from Forever 21 ( from here on known as F21) when I was suppose to be revising. This was my first ever order from F21, I live in London and the only F21 i know of in the UK is in Birmingham *sniff sniff*


Gold chain ribbon and pearl necklace, It looks ok from afar but up close I think it looks a little childish due to the tacky clear beads. Luckily the tacky beads are not that noticeable, maybe I'm just really picky.

Heart studs with rhinestones, I'm wearing these in the picture above. These are so adorable!

I don't know why, but i absolutely love these!! My mum thinks they look really old fashioned, but think they are so classy.

This was the major disappointment, it looked so nice on the website but in reality it wasn't anything speacial and it's sooo heavy. It was also the most expensive pair :(

For those living in the UK and have not tried anything from F21, I recommend it! The prices are so cheap and they have some really cute stuff. The only problem with their online store is that the delivery cost was quite high, and some items don't live up to the pictures on the website.

Hope everyone is well! Thanks for reading :)
Lots of love, Steph xX